Schöner kann man den duftenden Morgenkaffee und ein frisches Brötchen nicht ans Bett bringen!
Robustes Holztablett mit Kaffeetasse
Dieses Tablett ist durch den hochgezogenen Holzrand und die Schichtverleimung des Holzes sehr robust und trotzdem leicht. Durch die gefällige Form und die individulle Holzmaserung des Weidenholzes hat jedes Tablett einen individuellen Charme. Nutzen Sie es, um Ihren Partner oder sich selbst mit einem frischen Kaffee und einem Snack zu verwöhnen
Das Holztablett im Überblick:
Holzart: Weide
Aussparung für Kaffeetasse
Kaffeetasse im Lieferumfang enthalten
Format: 20x15 cm
nur 150g leicht
formstabil durch umlaufende Rand
praktisch und robust
tolle Optik dank feiner Maserung
Ein zeitlos elegantes Liebhaberstück aus Weidenholz
Hier ist jedes Tablett ein Unikat, denn die feine Maserung des Holzes macht jedes Holztablett einzigartig. Das Tablett kann ganz einfach mit einem Tuch oder Schwamm sauber gewischt werden. Sie müssen keine Angst haben, dass Ihnen etwas vom Tablett rutscht, denn der umlaufende Rand und die Aussparung für die Kaffeetasse verhindert sicher das Abrutschen.
Organische Form mit Aussparung für Kaffeetasse
Die klassische Formgebung und die Robustheit des Materials werden dafür sorgen, dass Sie mit dem Holztablett garantiert lange Freude haben werden. Das Tablett ist sehr alltagstauglich und verhindert Abrutschen und Umfallen von Snacks und Tassen.
Bringen Sie Ihrem Partner doch mal wieder Frühstück ans Bett mit dem rutschfestem Holztablett in klassischer Form!
Robustes Holztablett in klassischer Form
Sicher ist Ihnen die Form dieses Tabletts aus diversen Selbstbedinungsrestaurants bekannt. Es ist durch den hochgezogenen Holzrand und die Schichtverleimung des Holzes gut stapelbar, sehr robust und trotzdem leicht. Damit hat es die Vorteile dieser Form und hat doch einen individuellen Charme. Durch die unterschiedliche Holzmaserung des verwendeten Weidenholzes wird jedes Tablett zum individuellen Einzelstück. Nutzen Sie es, um Ihren Partner zu verwöhnen, oder präsentieren Sie Ihren Gästen auf dem rutschfesten Holztablett Sekt, Aperitifs oder Erfrischungsgetränke.
Das Holztablett im Überblick:
rutschfeste Oberfläche
klassische Form
Holzart: Weide
einfaches Tragen durch hochgezogenen Rand
Format: 36x28 cm
nur 350g leicht
formstabil durch umlaufende Rand
praktisch und robust
tolle Optik dank feiner Maserung
Ein zeitlos elegantes Liebhaberstück aus Weidenholz
Hier ist jedes Tablett ein Unikat, denn die feine Maserung des Holzes macht jedes Holztablett einzigartig. Das Tablett kann ganz einfach mit einem Tuch oder Schwamm sauber gewischt werden. Sie müssen keine Angst haben, dass Ihnen etwas vom Tablett rutscht, denn der umlaufende Rand und die rutschhemmende Oberfläche verhindert sicher das Abrutschen des Geschirrs.
Klassische Form mit rutschfester Oberfläche
Die klassische Formgebung und die Robustheit des Materials werden dafür sorgen, dass Sie mit dem Holztablett garantiert lange Freude haben werden. Durch die rutschfeste Beschichtung ist das Tablett sehr alltagstauglich und verhindert Abrutschen und Umfallen von Gläsern und Tassen.
The practical key organizer replaces the classic key ring! The keys are much more space-saving than on a key ring.
Get rid of your clunky set of keys
Nearly everyone has it in their pocket. Depending on the number and type of keys, it is more or less big, heavy and above all unwieldy. Reach for your bunch of keys now! Do you also have a chunky pile of keys in your hand? The KeyOrganizer turns this pile into an organized key ring. No more piercing piles of keys stuck in your pocket! Simply more space in your pocket
protect against holes in the pocket
Punch holes in the lining of your pants or handbag and start the fight. Torn open handbags, trouser pockets or scratched mobile phone displays seem to be part of the side effects of a key ring. The protected storage of keys prevents them from getting caught in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
made of 5mm wood
Type of wood : cherry
very robust due to cross-bonding
90 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Keys are held by screws of different lengths
screws in 16, 20, 25 and 30mm length
for different numbers of keys
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
Elegant, light, robust, available in different wood species
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The key organizer is quickly assembled! The set includes 4 screws of different lengths. Depending on the number of keys the screw length can be chosen. With the included washers the different key thickness can be compensated. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Holz-Fichtner : Always good for an unusual gift of wood
By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood. On our pages you will find a large selection of different combination possibilities. Try it out, take heart and dive into the exciting world of wooden accessories.
The practical key organizer replaces the classic key ring! The keys are much more space-saving than on a key ring.
Get rid of your clunky set of keys
Nearly everyone has it in their pocket. Depending on the number and type of keys, it is more or less big, heavy and above all unwieldy. Reach for your bunch of keys now! Do you also have a chunky pile of keys in your hand? The KeyOrganizer turns this pile into an organized key ring. No more piercing piles of keys stuck in your pocket! Simply more space in your pocket
protect against holes in the pocket
Punch holes in the lining of your pants or handbag and start the fight. Torn open handbags, trouser pockets or scratched mobile phone displays seem to be part of the side effects of a key ring. The protected storage of keys prevents them from getting caught in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
made of 5mm wood
Type of wood : elm burl
very robust due to cross-bonding
90 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Keys are held by screws of different lengths
screws in 15, 20, 25 and 30mm length
for different numbers of keys
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
Elegant, light, robust, available in different wood species
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The key organizer is quickly assembled! The set includes 4 screws of different lengths. Depending on the number of keys the screw length can be chosen. With the included washers the different key thickness can be compensated. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Holz-Fichtner : Always good for an unusual gift of wood
By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood. On our pages you will find a large selection of different combination possibilities. Try it out, take heart and dive into the exciting world of wooden accessories.
The practical key organizer replaces the classic key ring! The keys are much more space-saving than on a key ring.
Get rid of your clunky set of keys
Nearly everyone has it in their pocket. Depending on the number and type of keys, it is more or less big, heavy and above all unwieldy. Reach for your bunch of keys now! Do you also have a chunky pile of keys in your hand? The KeyOrganizer turns this pile into an organized key ring. No more piercing piles of keys stuck in your pocket! Simply more space in your pocket
protect against holes in the pocket
Punch holes in the lining of your pants or handbag and start the fight. Torn open handbags, trouser pockets or scratched mobile phone displays seem to be part of the side effects of a key ring. The protected storage of keys prevents them from getting caught in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
made of 5mm wood
Type of wood : oak
very robust due to cross-bonding
90 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Keys are held by screws of different lengths
screws in 16, 20, 25 and 30mm length
for different numbers of keys
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
Elegant, light, robust, available in different wood species
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The key organizer is quickly assembled! The set includes 4 screws of different lengths. Depending on the number of keys the screw length can be chosen. With the included washers the different key thickness can be compensated. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Holz-Fichtner : Always good for an unusual gift of wood
By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood. On our pages you will find a large selection of different combination possibilities. Try it out, take heart and dive into the exciting world of wooden accessories.
Holes in the lining of your trousers or handbag are a thing of the past.
Elegant, light, robust, made of wood
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The Key Organizer is quickly assembled and ready for use. Based on the principle of a Swiss pocket knife, the key organizer allows several keys to be joined together in a space-saving manner and folded out as required. Due to the different lengths of the screws, up to 12 keys find their place. By means of the supplied washers, different key thicknesses can be compensated for. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Practical helper in everyday life
Close with annoying key chaos and loud jingling. The keys are clearly arranged and compactly bundled. Bulging and perforated trouser pockets from the key ring are a thing of the past. The Key Organizer prevents the keys from getting stuck in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables and mobile phone displays are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
for different numbers of keys
Key clearly and compactly bundled
screws in 16, 20, 25 and 30mm length
made of 5mm wood
Species : vavona ( am. Redwood )
very robust due to cross-bonding
95 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
The clatter of a bunch of keys has now stopped
Especially in sports this is often annoying and with the Key Organizer it is definitely a thing of the past. Thanks to the arrangement of the keys next to each other, the Key Organizer is also very space-saving. This is especially advantageous and pleasant when it comes to every centimetre, like when packing a bag, or even when wearing tight trousers. In contrast to openly worn keys, the Key Organizer protects them from wear and tear. It is a beautiful accessory that cuts a fine figure next to your smartphone and does not need to be hidden in your pocket.
Give yourself or others a treat!
With the noble key organizers from Holz-Fichtner you have found the perfect gift. The key organizer scores clearly in terms of style compared to a bunch of keys or a pencil case. Ideal as a gift for men who already own everything else! By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood.
Holes in the lining of your trousers or handbag are a thing of the past.
Elegant, light, robust, made of wood
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The Key Organizer is quickly assembled and ready for use. Based on the principle of a Swiss pocket knife, the key organizer allows several keys to be joined together in a space-saving manner and folded out as required. Due to the different lengths of the screws, up to 12 keys find their place. By means of the supplied washers, different key thicknesses can be compensated for. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Practical helper in everyday life
Close with annoying key chaos and loud jingling. The keys are clearly arranged and compactly bundled. Bulging and perforated trouser pockets from the key ring are a thing of the past. The Key Organizer prevents the keys from getting stuck in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables and mobile phone displays are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
for different numbers of keys
Key clearly and compactly bundled
screws in 16, 20, 25 and 30mm length
made of 5mm wood
Species : cherry wood
very robust due to cross-bonding
95 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
The clatter of a bunch of keys has now stopped
Especially in sports this is often annoying and with the Key Organizer it is definitely a thing of the past. Thanks to the arrangement of the keys next to each other, the Key Organizer is also very space-saving. This is especially advantageous and pleasant when it comes to every centimetre, like when packing a bag, or even when wearing tight trousers. In contrast to openly worn keys, the Key Organizer protects them from wear and tear. It is a beautiful accessory that cuts a fine figure next to your smartphone and does not need to be hidden in your pocket.
Give yourself or others a treat!
With the noble key organizers from Holz-Fichtner you have found the perfect gift. The key organizer scores clearly in terms of style compared to a bunch of keys or a pencil case. Ideal as a gift for men who already own everything else! By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood.
Holes in the lining of your trousers or handbag are a thing of the past.
Elegant, light, robust, made of wood
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The Key Organizer is quickly assembled and ready for use. Based on the principle of a Swiss pocket knife, the key organizer allows several keys to be joined together in a space-saving manner and folded out as required. Due to the different lengths of the screws, up to 12 keys find their place. By means of the supplied washers, different key thicknesses can be compensated for. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Practical helper in everyday life
Close with annoying key chaos and loud jingling. The keys are clearly arranged and compactly bundled. Bulging and perforated trouser pockets from the key ring are a thing of the past. The Key Organizer prevents the keys from getting stuck in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables and mobile phone displays are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
for different numbers of keys
Key clearly and compactly bundled
screws in 16, 20, 25 and 30mm length
made of 5mm wood
Species : haselnut wood
very robust due to cross-bonding
95 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
The clatter of a bunch of keys has now stopped
Especially in sports this is often annoying and with the Key Organizer it is definitely a thing of the past. Thanks to the arrangement of the keys next to each other, the Key Organizer is also very space-saving. This is especially advantageous and pleasant when it comes to every centimetre, like when packing a bag, or even when wearing tight trousers. In contrast to openly worn keys, the Key Organizer protects them from wear and tear. It is a beautiful accessory that cuts a fine figure next to your smartphone and does not need to be hidden in your pocket.
Give yourself or others a treat!
With the noble key organizers from Holz-Fichtner you have found the perfect gift. The key organizer scores clearly in terms of style compared to a bunch of keys or a pencil case. Ideal as a gift for men who already own everything else! By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood.
Holes in the lining of your trousers or handbag are a thing of the past.
Elegant, light, robust, made of wood
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The Key Organizer is quickly assembled and ready for use. Based on the principle of a Swiss pocket knife, the key organizer allows several keys to be joined together in a space-saving manner and folded out as required. Due to the different lengths of the screws, up to 12 keys find their place. By means of the supplied washers, different key thicknesses can be compensated for. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Practical helper in everyday life
Close with annoying key chaos and loud jingling. The keys are clearly arranged and compactly bundled. Bulging and perforated trouser pockets from the key ring are a thing of the past. The Key Organizer prevents the keys from getting stuck in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables and mobile phone displays are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
for different numbers of keys
Key clearly and compactly bundled
screws in 16, 20, 25 and 30mm length
made of 5mm wood
Species : oak
very robust due to cross-bonding
95 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
The clatter of a bunch of keys has now stopped
Especially in sports this is often annoying and with the Key Organizer it is definitely a thing of the past. Thanks to the arrangement of the keys next to each other, the Key Organizer is also very space-saving. This is especially advantageous and pleasant when it comes to every centimetre, like when packing a bag, or even when wearing tight trousers. In contrast to openly worn keys, the Key Organizer protects them from wear and tear. It is a beautiful accessory that cuts a fine figure next to your smartphone and does not need to be hidden in your pocket.
Give yourself or others a treat!
With the noble key organizers from Holz-Fichtner you have found the perfect gift. The key organizer scores clearly in terms of style compared to a bunch of keys or a pencil case. Ideal as a gift for men who already own everything else! By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood.
Holes in the lining of your trousers or handbag are a thing of the past.
Elegant, light, robust, made of wood
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The Key Organizer is quickly assembled and ready for use. Based on the principle of a Swiss pocket knife, the key organizer allows several keys to be joined together in a space-saving manner and folded out as required. Due to the different lengths of the screws, up to 12 keys find their place. By means of the supplied washers, different key thicknesses can be compensated for. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Practical helper in everyday life
Close with annoying key chaos and loud jingling. The keys are clearly arranged and compactly bundled. Bulging and perforated trouser pockets from the key ring are a thing of the past. The Key Organizer prevents the keys from getting stuck in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables and mobile phone displays are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
for different numbers of keys
Key clearly and compactly bundled
screws in 16, 20, 25 and 30mm length
made of 5mm wood
Species : pine wood
very robust due to cross-bonding
95 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
The clatter of a bunch of keys has now stopped
Especially in sports this is often annoying and with the Key Organizer it is definitely a thing of the past. Thanks to the arrangement of the keys next to each other, the Key Organizer is also very space-saving. This is especially advantageous and pleasant when it comes to every centimetre, like when packing a bag, or even when wearing tight trousers. In contrast to openly worn keys, the Key Organizer protects them from wear and tear. It is a beautiful accessory that cuts a fine figure next to your smartphone and does not need to be hidden in your pocket.
Give yourself or others a treat!
With the noble key organizers from Holz-Fichtner you have found the perfect gift. The key organizer scores clearly in terms of style compared to a bunch of keys or a pencil case. Ideal as a gift for men who already own everything else! By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood.
Holes in the lining of your trousers or handbag are a thing of the past.
Elegant, light, robust, made of wood
Key organizer made in Germany for 1 to 12 keys. The Key Organizer is quickly assembled and ready for use. Based on the principle of a Swiss pocket knife, the key organizer allows several keys to be joined together in a space-saving manner and folded out as required. Due to the different lengths of the screws, up to 12 keys find their place. By means of the supplied washers, different key thicknesses can be compensated for. Rubber rings ensure that the screws do not need to be retightened.
Practical helper in everyday life
Close with annoying key chaos and loud jingling. The keys are clearly arranged and compactly bundled. Bulging and perforated trouser pockets from the key ring are a thing of the past. The Key Organizer prevents the keys from getting stuck in trouser pockets or handbags. Valuables and mobile phone displays are also better protected from scratches by this key organizer.
Key Organizer, made of real wood
for different numbers of keys
Key clearly and compactly bundled
screws in 16, 20, 25 and 30mm length
made of 5mm wood
Species : Vavona ( am. Redwood )
very robust due to cross-bonding
95 x 25 mm
Fits in the smallest pocket
Made in Germany
Holz-Fichtner quality product
The clatter of a bunch of keys has now stopped
Especially in sports this is often annoying and with the Key Organizer it is definitely a thing of the past. Thanks to the arrangement of the keys next to each other, the Key Organizer is also very space-saving. This is especially advantageous and pleasant when it comes to every centimetre, like when packing a bag, or even when wearing tight trousers. In contrast to openly worn keys, the Key Organizer protects them from wear and tear. It is a beautiful accessory that cuts a fine figure next to your smartphone and does not need to be hidden in your pocket.
Give yourself or others a treat!
With the noble key organizers from Holz-Fichtner you have found the perfect gift. The key organizer scores clearly in terms of style compared to a bunch of keys or a pencil case. Ideal as a gift for men who already own everything else! By the way, the Key Organizer is especially interesting as a combination to a mini wallet or bow tie made of wood.
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