Haste mal Feuer? Ja klar, und was für eins! Mit der Feuerzeughülle "Brennholz" aus Merantiholz machen Sie jedes Mini-BIC-Feuerzeug zu einem raffinierten Unikat.
Ein edles Stück Holz für Ihr Feuerzeug
Feuerzeuge sind aus dem täglichen Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Ob zum Grill oder Kachelofen anzünden, oder für Pfeiffen- und Zigarettenraucher. Viele tragen ein Feuerzeug mit sich herum. Doch unsere Merantifeuerzeughülle ist etwas ganz Besonderes. Sie ist komplett aus hochwertigem Holz hergestellt und überzeugt so mit einem ganz besonders edlen und natürlichen Design. Holen Sie sich ein Stück Natur für Ihr Feuerzeug
Die wichtigsten Details auf einem Blick:
Holz-Feuerzeughülle Meranti
Material: Merantiholz
für Mini-BIC Feuerzeuge
leicht auszuwechseln
Handschmeichler dank feiner Oberfläche
robust und langlebig
einzigartiges Design dank Holzmaserung
Ihr Feuerzeug perfekt von Holz umhüllt
Die Feuerzeughülle überzeugt nicht nur mit ihrem hochwertigen Material. Sie ist auch ganz besonders praktisch. Das leere Mini-BIC Feuerzeug einfach herausziehen und durch ein neues ersetzten. Damit haben Sie lange Freude an der einzigartigen Holzfeuerzeughülle. Dank der edlen Holzmaserung gleicht keine Hülle der anderen - jede Hülle ist ein Einzelstück.
Feuerzeughülle, das passende Geschenk für alle Lebenslagen
Sie lieben das Besondere, begeistern sich für einzigartige Accessoires und Sie mögen die Schönheit der Natur? Dann sollten Sie unsere eleganten Feuerzeughüllen aus hochwertigem Holz kennenlernen. Entdecken Sie hier die luxuriösen Begleiter für Ihre Handtasche, Ihren Haushalt oder machen Sie Ihren Freunden, Verwandten und Bekannten ein exklusives Geschenk.
With the wooden lighter case made of ash wood you can turn a standard lighter into a real eye-catcher.
Noble cover for commercial lighters
Either smoker or not - most people have a lighter in their pocket. After all, you can't just use it to light cigarettes or pipes, but also to make candles or the charcoal burn on the grill. With the ash wood lighter case, each lighter becomes a real unicum. Because the cover is made completely of high-quality wood and therefore convinces with a particularly noble design. In addition, the grain of the wood is preserved during the manufacturing process. And because the grain is different for each piece of wood, each wooden lighter case is truly unique. So you are guaranteed to become an admired trendsetter in your circle of friends.
The wooden lighter cover in detail
Material: ash
Robust and durable
Hand flatterer thanks to fine surface
Unique design thanks to the grain
For Mini-BIC lighters
incl. Mini-BIC lighter
Lighter can be replaced very easily
To turn your standard lighter into a real designer piece, this cover is the ideal choice. Thanks to an opening at the top of the wooden lighter case, a Mini-BIC lighter can be easily inserted into the opening. If the lighter is empty, it can just as easily be replaced with a new, full lighter.
Ash wood is particularly durable
The wooden lighter case does not only convince with its noble design. As ash is particularly hard, the wooden lighter case is also very durable as it hardly wears out. Thanks to this high resistance you can use the lighter case for many years. The wooden lighter case is also a great choice as a luxurious and elegant gift for a loved one. It will surely bring a smile to the face of the recipient.
With the wooden lighter case made of beech wood you can turn a standard lighter into a real eye-catcher.
Noble cover for commercial lighters
Either smoker or not - most people have a lighter in their pocket. After all, you can't just use it to light cigarettes or pipes, but also to make candles or the charcoal burn on the grill. With the beech wood lighter case, each lighter becomes a real unicum. Because the cover is made completely of high-quality wood and therefore convinces with a particularly noble design. In addition, the grain of the wood is preserved during the manufacturing process. And because the grain is different for each piece of wood, each wooden lighter case is truly unique. So you are guaranteed to become an admired trendsetter in your circle of friends.
The wooden lighter cover in detail
Material: beech
Robust and durable
Hand flatterer thanks to fine surface
Unique design thanks to the grain
For Mini-BIC lighters
Lighter can be replaced very easily
To turn your standard lighter into a real designer piece, this cover is the ideal choice. Thanks to an opening at the top of the wooden lighter case, a Mini-BIC lighter can be easily inserted into the opening. If the lighter is empty, it can just as easily be replaced with a new, full lighter.
Beech is particularly durable
The wooden lighter case does not only convince with its noble design. As beech is particularly hard, the wooden lighter case is also very durable as it hardly wears out. Thanks to this high resistance you can use the lighter case for many years. The wooden lighter case is also a great choice as a luxurious and elegant gift for a loved one. It will surely bring a smile to the face of the recipient.
With the "Virginia" lighter case made of boxwood, you can make every Mini-BIC lighter a sophisticated unique specimen.
Have you got a light? Yeah, sure, and what kind?
Lighters have become an indispensable part of everyday life. Whether for barbecue or lighting a tiled stove, or for pipe and cigarette smokers. Many carry a lighter with them. But our wooden lighter case is something very special. It is completely made of high-quality wood and thus convinces with a particularly noble and natural design. Get a piece of nature for your lighter
The most important details at a glance:
wooden lighter case
Material: light boxwood
for Mini-BIC lighters
easy to replace
Hand flatterer thanks to fine surface
robust and durable
Unique design thanks to wood grain
Your lighter perfectly wrapped in wood
The lighter case does not only convince with its high-quality material. It is also very practical. Simply pull out the empty Mini-BIC lighter and replace it with a new one. This way you can enjoy the unique wooden lighter case for a long time. Thanks to the fine wood grain, no cover is like the other - each cover is unique.
Lighter cover, the suitable gift for all situations in life
You love the special, you are enthusiastic about unique accessories and you like the beauty of nature? Then you should get to know our elegant lighter covers made of high-quality wood. Discover here the luxurious companions for your handbag, your household. Or give your friends, relatives and acquaintances an exclusive gift.
With the "Virginia" lighter case made of cherry wood, you can make every Mini-BIC lighter a sophisticated unique specimen.
Have you got a light? Yeah, sure, and what kind?
Lighters have become an indispensable part of everyday life. Whether for barbecue or lighting a tiled stove, or for pipe and cigarette smokers. Many carry a lighter with them. But our wooden lighter case is something very special. It is completely made of high-quality wood and thus convinces with a particularly noble and natural design. Get a piece of nature for your lighter
The most important details at a glance:
wooden lighter case
Material: cherry wood
for Mini-BIC lighters
easy to replace
Hand flatterer thanks to fine surface
robust and durable
Unique design thanks to wood grain
Your lighter perfectly wrapped in wood
The lighter case does not only convince with its high-quality material. It is also very practical. Simply pull out the empty Mini-BIC lighter and replace it with a new one. This way you can enjoy the unique wooden lighter case for a long time. Thanks to the fine wood grain, no cover is like the other - each cover is unique.
Lighter cover, the suitable gift for all situations in life
You love the special, you are enthusiastic about unique accessories and you like the beauty of nature? Then you should get to know our elegant lighter covers made of high-quality wood. Discover here the luxurious companions for your handbag, your household. Or give your friends, relatives and acquaintances an exclusive gift.
With the wooden lighter case made of ebony you can turn a standard lighter into a real eye-catcher.
Noble cover for commercial lighters
Either smoker or not - most people have a lighter in their pocket. After all, you can't just use it to light cigarettes or pipes, but also to make candles or the charcoal burn on the grill. With the ebony wood lighter case, each lighter becomes a real unicum. Because the cover is made completely of high-quality wood and therefore convinces with a particularly noble design. In addition, the grain of the wood is preserved during the manufacturing process. And because the grain is different for each piece of wood, each wooden lighter case is truly unique. So you are guaranteed to become an admired trendsetter in your circle of friends.
The wooden lighter cover in detail
Material: ebony
Robust and durable
Hand flatterer thanks to fine surface
Unique design thanks to the grain
For Mini-BIC lighters
incl. mini BIC lighter
Lighter can be replaced very easily
To turn your standard lighter into a real designer piece, this cover is the ideal choice. Thanks to an opening at the top of the wooden lighter case, a Mini-BIC lighter can be easily inserted into the opening. If the lighter is empty, it can just as easily be replaced with a new, full lighter.
Ebony is particularly durable
The wooden lighter case does not only convince with its noble design. As ebony is particularly hard, the wooden lighter case is also very durable as it hardly wears out. Thanks to this high resistance you can use the lighter case for many years. The wooden lighter case is also a great choice as a luxurious and elegant gift for a loved one. It will surely bring a smile to the face of the recipient.
With the "Virginia" lighter case made of maplewood, you can make every Mini-BIC lighter a sophisticated unique specimen.
Have you got a light? Yeah, sure, and what kind?
Lighters have become an indispensable part of everyday life. Whether for barbecue or lighting a tiled stove, or for pipe and cigarette smokers. Many carry a lighter with them. But our wooden lighter case is something very special. It is completely made of high-quality wood and thus convinces with a particularly noble and natural design. Get a piece of nature for your lighter
The most important details at a glance:
wooden lighter case
Material: light maplewood
for Mini-BIC lighters
incl. Mini-BIC lighter
easy to replace
Hand flatterer thanks to fine surface
robust and durable
Unique design thanks to wood grain
Your lighter perfectly wrapped in wood
The lighter case does not only convince with its high-quality material. It is also very practical. Simply pull out the empty Mini-BIC lighter and replace it with a new one. This way you can enjoy the unique wooden lighter case for a long time. Thanks to the fine wood grain, no cover is like the other - each cover is unique.
Lighter cover, the suitable gift for all situations in life
You love the special, you are enthusiastic about unique accessories and you like the beauty of nature? Then you should get to know our elegant lighter covers made of high-quality wood. Discover here the luxurious companions for your handbag, your household. Or give your friends, relatives and acquaintances an exclusive gift.
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